World Water Forum
European Regional Process






Linking Science and Technology for managing global water challenges - Finding ways to overcome the barriers for improved research uptake, presenting European and Mediterranean experiences and sharing knowledge globally (S&T)

Session facilitated by Netherlands Water Partnership and GWP MED

Even though promising innovations are being developed and there are numerous solutions available that have the potential to address these problems, large-scale worldwide implementation continues to be a challenge. 
Additional to the upscaling of available solutions, science can be the key to address many challenges. However, the sole development of new technologies will not contribute to solving the global water challenges we are facing. Putting ‘knowledge to use’ by implementing technologies under local conditions is a necessary next step.
Thus, this interregional session for EU & MED will give an insight on the specificities in each region, a key driver as well as a bottleneck for integration of science and new technologies. Innovative solutions that have been successfully applied in the region will be presented to promote knowledge and sharing of experiences. A joint panel discussion with stakeholders from government, business, universities, institutions and recipients will provide responses and recommendations on the integration of Science and Technology to Policy, Business and Sustainable Development.